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Nov 28, 2023
Transforming Compliance Management: A Custom Software Case Study
A Case Study about the Smart Compliance Soluition - a software utilized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development and Ginnie Mae.
Nov 16, 2023
Wait, but HOW do machines .... learn? Part - 2
Detailed explanation of how machines learn.
Nov 14, 2023
Wait, but HOW do machines... learn? Part - 1
Detailed explanation of how machines learn.
Nov 2, 2023
How do I introduce new software to my employees?
Overcoming employee resistance to new software is common, especially with so many changes to the way we work the past few years. Change...
Oct 31, 2023
Understanding RAG, without complex math.
Find out what is Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) in AI.
Oct 17, 2023
AI-driven software development is racing towards a cliff and no one talks about it.
AI-driven software development is racing towards a cliff and no one talks about it.
Oct 11, 2023
What's in a name? Sometimes, everything.
When I started out re-imagining a new organization, based on the principles I have learned in life, a lot of names came to mind. But...
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